
Alex wins Slobodkin Award

Alex Gil Gomez was awarded a Slobodkin Award at our annual Ecology and Evolution retreat. He will use the award to fund his upcoming publications and attendance at scientific conferences.

New grant to study bothrosomes!

Along with PI Jackie Collier and co-PI Dave Matus, we have recieved a seed grant from the School of Atmospheric and Marine Sciences to study “A unique organelle at the interface of the carbon cycle and marine food webs”.

Keffy Kehrli describes his thesis in three minutes.

Graduate student Keffy Kehrli has won 3rd place in SBU’s Three Minute Thesis Virtual Competition.

Nature Methods paper on Marine Protist Genetic Tools

We have been developing the tools and methodology for genetically transforming a single-celled marine fungus-like organism known as Aurantiochytrium limacinum ATCC MYA-1381.